This past year, the Madison County Republican Central Committee voted to set aside money, raised from selling tickets at our annual barbeque and Lincoln Day Banquet, for an essay contest for high school seniors. A scholarship committee was formed and flyers were sent out to Madison and Sugar Salem High Schools and Home schooled seniors in the fall. Essays were due in February. A panel of three judges reviewed the essays without the knowledge of the school, age or name of the participant.
The first place winner was Matthew King, a senior at Sugar Salem High School. He received a $500 check.
The second place $300 award went to Paul Anderson, who is a home schooled senior.
A $100 award for third place went to Tate Rammell, a senior at Madison High School and a $25 gift certificate went to the 4th place winner, Angel McKamey of Madison High School. Senator Brent Hill presented these awards at the Friday and Saturday night candidate forums held at the Rexburg Tabernacle.