What is a Republican Precinct Committeeman?
I joust found an excellent article about the role of Precinct Committeeman, what it is, and why it matters.
What is a Precinct Committeeman
“A Republican Precinct Committeeman represents the GOP voters of his or her precinct at the County Republican Party level.
“But most importantly, a Republican Precinct Committeeman is the face of the GOP within the precinct. In many cases, a Republican Precinct Committeeman might be the only party official a voter ever meets in person.” Read More…
Download Candidates Pledge
If you are running for office, we encourage you to download, sign and fax or email the signed document back to the Madison County Republican Central Committee.
Download Pledge Here (PDF)
Download Pledge Here (DOC)
Email Completed Form to : madisoncentralcommittee@hotmail.com
Fax Completed Form to : 208.621.3131
On The Ballot In 2014
On The Ballot In 2014
Filing Period – March 3rd – March 14th, 2014
IMPORTANT: Declarations and petitions will not be accepted before March 3rd.
The following offices will be on the ballot in the year 2014.
U.S. Senator – Filing Information
seat currently held by Senator James E. Risch
U.S. House of Representatives – Filing Information
seats currently held by Representative Mike Simpson for the Second Congressional District
Governor – Filing Information
seat currently held by Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter
Lieutenant Governor – Filing Information
seat currently held by Lieutenant Governor Brad Little
Secretary of State – Filing Information
seat currently held by Secretary of State Ben Ysursa
State Controller – Filing Information
seat currently held by State Controller Brandon Woolf
State Treasurer – Filing Information
seat currently held by State Treasurer Ron Crane
Attorney General – Filing Information
seat currently held by Attorney General Lawrence Wasden
Superintendent of Public Instruction – Filing Information
seat currently held by Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna
Supreme Court Justice – Filing Information [decided at Primary Election]
seats currently held by Justice Joel Horton and Justice Warren Jones
Court of Appeals Judge – Filing Information [decided at Primary Election]
seat currently held by Judge Sergio A. Gutierrez
District Judges – Filing Information [decided at Primary Election]
all District Judges, by Judicial District
Idaho State Senate – Filing Information
Local Offices on Republican ballot in May
State Representatives
District 34a Del Raybould
District 34b Douglas A. Hancey
State Senator
Brent Hill
County Commissioner – District #1 Four year term
Kimber Ricks
County Commissioner – District #2 Two year term
Jon Weber
County Assessor –
Brent Saurey
County Treasurer
Sherry Arnold
County Clerk
Kim Muir
County Coroner
Rick Davis
Bryan Smith meets with Madison County Republicans
Bryan Smith meets with Madison County Republicans
Idaho District 2 candidate for Congress, Bryan Smith, was asked by the Madison County Republican Central Committee to come and share his reasons for running for office at their monthly meeting this past Thursday evening. Smith addressed a full house explaining that he wasn’t running because he needed the money or the job. In fact, a few years ago he would never have entertained the idea. But he remarked his energy and passion for his family and especially his concern for his five children have moved him in this direction.
Smith said we can do better in Washington and he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes is right. He is NOT in favor of raising the debt ceiling and has pledged to not vote for any tax increases. Unlike his challenger Congressman Mike Simpson, he would not have voted to raise the debt ceiling unless there were major spending cuts. In the case of the recent budget proposal, (H.R.2775 Continuing Appropriations Act of 2014), he would have only supported it if it reversed the President’s decision to exempt 17,000 people from Obamacare.
Smith addressed many questions from the audience and explained that the record shows that Simpson did not initially vote for the cash for clunkers project, but did vote later to fund two billion dollars to help keep it from crashing. Although Simpson has been an advocate of the INL, it is ironic that the money used to fund the Cash for Clunkers project was money cut from the Department of Energy’s budget. In his answers, Smith revealed that he would support auditing the Federal Reserve and allow for full accountability, encourage free enterprise in the long run over farm subsidies, simplify the tax code by even using a flat tax, transfer federal lands to the state and challenge the President’s Constitutional authority to sign his own law exempting 17,000 people from Obamacare.
The heated moment came with the idea of taxing Internet sales. This idea is something that state law makers from Madison County seem to support, although Bryan Smith said when it comes to more taxes he just can’t go there. Cutting spending- not raising taxes- is his idea of fiscal responsibility. Questions about his legal profession clarified attacks coming from the media. He explained that his father worked as a baker for 60 years starting at the age of 13. Bryan was the first in his family to finish college and went on to receive a law degree from BYU. He worked 5 years with medical malpractice suits, and 22 years solving business litigation disputes. He has never practiced family law and less than 1% of all his cases dealt with personal injury cases- usually the kind that involves drunken driving accidents. (For more information on Bryan Smith go to: www.bryansmithforcongress.com)
During the meeting, the MCR Central Committee also reported that they will award a $500, $300, and $100 scholarship to the winning essays of senior high school and home schooled students ages 16 years and up living in Madison County. The deadline to submit the essay is in December and the prompt dealing with the Bill of Rights can be viewed on their Website along with other information at www.madisonidahogop.com.
Rexburg City Council Candidate Debate
The final debate for the candidates running for the Rexburg City Council will be held October 30 at 7:00pm in the Madison Junior High Auditorium.