Prayer Susan Brown
pledge Bob Jones
Red Skelton’s Pledge monologue
Don Fletcher Read the minutes.
Bob Jones moves to accept the minutes
minutes accepted
Reports from State Convention
Marsha Bjorn – wasn’t present, but is informing on the discussion since the convention.
Presenting the view that the action at the end of the Convention left a vacancy in the state leadership.
Maria Nate
was at the convention. Was on the credentials committee. Ada County, substitude agenda and a slate of delegates. It was the Governors list. Ada County, Power County, and Bannock County were challenged.
Freedom of Opportunity. Genesis of the fight,
Article 7
Cornel Rasor – Was Parliamentarian
broker a deal
4th of July Parade
Float idea –
Kirstan Reabush’s volunteer the garage…
pyramid made from boxes, with a patriotic word on each one.
Tomorrow is the first work party to help.. City Council will walk the route
need candy distributers
Parade – float needs to be in place at 8am. Theme of the float is ‘We the People’
boxes to paint – friday night
platform to build – saturday at 2pm
please bring paint roller.
Budget is around $400.
Corperations – 10 tix/1000
Individuals – $25
August 28,
Freedom Works Matt Kibbe
Charles asked for a review of the bylaws. Marsha, Bob, Kelly McKamey
Will have a preliminary report next month.
July 31 instead
Possible auction
Jeff Carter nominates Elain king as alternate for precinct 6, second by Charles.
Martel Grover moved to adjourn
Download the entire meeting here